Yrityspalvelu Pentti Mäkinen Oy

About the company

Yrityspalvelu Pentti Mäkinen Oy is an accounting firm founded in 1986, which has been focused on serving its customers for more than 30 years.

Over the years our accounting firm has expanded its services to extensively cover all the financial management services needed by small and medium-sized enterprises.

Yrityspalvelu is also involved in the development of digitalization. We offer our customers modern financial management tools for monitoring the company's finances.

By outsourcing their financial management, Yrityspalvelu's customers have more time to focus on their core competencies and future value-added revenue-generating tasks.

Yrityspalvelu employs 10 financial management professionals with years of experience not only in accounting, financial reporting and taxation, but also in performing special tasks in the field of financial management. Our office is located on Nuijamiestentie in Northern Haaga, Helsinki.

We have an extensive network of experts and lawyers as our partners.

We offer services in Finnish, English, Russian and Estonian languages.

Veli Matti Salmenkylä

Business Advisorphone: +358 10 322 1524email: vms@kirjanpidot.fi